make it better

have you seen we're now on tv?

Img of flower

If you’re going to make a cup of tea, make it better than the rest. Make it a flavoursome one. Make a cup that takes everything up a notch. Make it with the best blends and the finest ingredients. Make it natural, fair and delicious.

Freate taste

60 awards and counting...

We’ve won over 60 Great Taste Awards in the last 20 years. This level of recognition doesn’t come easily and puts us head and shoulders above the rest. We are proud to have our amazing teas given this prestigious seal of approval.

We are running out of space on our awards shelf as our teas keep winning again and again!

Wie wir Tee besser machen

Unsere Experten bei CUPPER machen ihn besser, indem sie die besten Produzenten, ausfindig machen. Wir wählen dann jedes unserer Produkte aus und mischen es sorgfältig, bis wir die perfekt schmeckende Tasse haben.

James expert tea guy

James, master of tea buying & slurping

James is proud of every blend he makes. Each one is made to be the best quality and the tastiest it can be. James also takes great pride in being part of the worlds’ largest Fairtrade tea brand. So every Clipper cup is delicious, pure and fair.

Dan expert tea guy

Dan, master of tea blending & magic

Dan believes that every cup of tea counts. His relentless quest for quality and exceptional taste using only natural ingredients, is matched only by his desire to always to do the right thing.

Tee besser und besser machen

Wir glauben, dass jede Tasse etwas Besonderes sein sollte. Unsere Liebe zum Detail und unser Fachwissen ermöglichen es uns, jedes Mal einen natürlichen, fairen und köstlichen Tee zu produzieren.

Unser Know-How
Fairtrade logo
about our sustainability a world of good